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黄彦华,杨圣奇,田文岭.An experimental and numerical investigation on mechanical behavior of sandstone specimens saturated in brine,2023,卷: 163
武世岩,黄彦华.Macro and meso crack evolution of granite specimens with non-straight fissures: A comparison between two bond models,2023,v 125,
黄彦华,杨圣奇,田文岭,武世岩.Experimental investigation on the mechanical properties of thermally damaged granite specimens containing pre-existing holes,2023,v 46,n 4,p1443-1454
黄彦华,杨圣奇,田文岭,Wu, Shi-Yan.Experimental and DEM study on failure behavior and stress distribution of flawed sandstone specimens under uniaxial compression,2022,v 118,
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黄彦华,杨圣奇,滕尚永.Temperature Dependence of the Permeability of Sandstone Under Loading and Unloading Conditions of Confining Pressure,2021,卷: 53期: 4页: 551-570
黄彦华,杨圣奇,董晋鹏.Experimental study on fracture behaviour of three-flawed sandstone specimens after high-temperature treatments,2020,v 43,n 10,p2214-2231
黄彦华,杨圣奇,卜宜顺.Effect of thermal shock on the strength and fracture behavior of pre-flawed granite specimens under uniaxial compression,2020